28 June 2021
Published 31 March 2021
Driving around the Redcliffe Peninsula is about to become a whole lot smoother, with construction on the long-awaited intersection upgrade at Boardman Road and Klingner Road soon to start in Kippa-Ring.
Council unanimously voted to award the $3.6 million tender today, with Mayor Flannery saying the short-term pain of construction works would be worth the long-term gains of improved road network efficiencies for locals and tourists alike.
“This is a major investment in the efficiency of our local road network, thanks to the Federal Government,” Mayor Flannery said.
“We will be removing the roundabout and replacing it with traffic lights, as well as constructing additional traffic lanes and delivering new footpaths and cycle lanes to keep all road users safe.
“With Newport growing and Dolphin Stadium hosting more and more major events, it’s important we look to the future now to fix these headaches before they become a real problem.
“I want to thank the Federal Government for helping Council deliver infrastructure projects that will keep us ahead of our region’s rapid population growth.”
Federal Member for Petrie the Hon Luke Howarth MP said the Australian Government is committed to getting Australians home sooner and safer, no matter where they live.
“The Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery funding in Petrie will allow councils across the area to progress a number of projects they determine to be priorities using their local knowledge, like the Boardman and Klingner Rd Upgrade” The Hon Luke Howarth MP said.
“Assisting local councils to maintain and improve roads under their jurisdiction is a big part of that, which is why we have also funded a new $500 million Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program and the bringing forward of $1.3 billion of the 2020–21 Financial Assistance Grant payment.
“Support also includes Financial Assistance Grants and the Bridges Renewal, Black Spot, Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity, Roads to Recovery and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure programs.”
Construction works on the new intersection will involve:
- Removing the roundabout and installation of traffic signals
- Creating additional traffic lanes to separate through-traffic and turning traffic
- Constructing on-road cycle lanes and pedestrian activated signal phases
Division 5 Councillor Sandra Ruck thanked community members for providing their feedback during the community consultation period.
“This project will make the school drop-off and the daily commute a lot easier for residents driving through Kippa-Ring,” Cr Ruck said.
“It is important that Council continues to invest in infrastructure that keeps us moving safely and efficiently.”
Division 6 Councillor Karl Winchester said the works are expected to get underway in July.
“There will be a bit of traffic disruption while the works are underway and I thank the broader Peninsula community for their patience during this time,” he said.
“The works are expected to be complete by late November, so it’ll be an early Christmas present for the community.”
For more information, please visit www.mbrc.qld.gov.au/boardman-klingner-road