27 August 2022
Published 18 July 2019
Council is encouraging Moreton Bay Region residents and property owners to have their say on its proposed planning scheme amendment, with additional consultation running from Monday 22 July to 19 August 2019.
The proposed amendment aims to ensure the planning scheme continues to appropriately manage growth and maintain our region’s unique lifestyle. It specifically aims to improve functionality and address implementation issues which have been identified since the planning scheme first came into effect.
It addresses key matters including, but not limited to:
- Improvements to cater for carports and secondary dwellings in residential areas, and sheds in rural residential areas
- Changes to encourage the efficient use of land within walking distances of commercial centres and train stations, and further clarify the design and location of service stations
- Enhancements to 14 planning scheme policies to improve their usability and ensure they are up-to date and fit for purpose
- Introduction of a new planning scheme policy for Township Character which aims to encourage unique design solutions that reinforce a sense of rural identity and character.
Spokesperson for Planning and Development Cr Mick Gillam said during the initial consultation (24 June to 19 July) council had identified an issue which had resulted in some of the proposed changes not being clearly highlighted on council’s website.
“Council has fixed this issue to ensure all proposed changes are clearly marked-up and identified. Accordingly, we’re also restarting consultation from Monday 22 July to provide our community with an additional opportunity to review and provide their feedback on the proposed amendment.”
“We’ve been working closely with the State Government to ensure this process meets all requirements.”
Cr Gillam said feedback provided during the initial consultation period would be considered by council at the conclusion of the new consultation period closing 19 August.
Residents are encouraged to find out what the proposed planning scheme amendment means for their property by calling council’s planning advice line on 5433 3496 or visiting council’s website mbrc.qld.gov.au/have-your-say
You can also view a copy of the new proposed planning scheme amendment at council’s customer service centres.
The additional round of consultation runs from Monday 22 July to Monday 19 August 2019.