Get Ready Week: Don’t let your tank run dry!

5 July 2021

Published 15 October 2020

Moreton Bay Regional Council is urgently reminding residents who rely on water tanks to check their levels and top up your tank before you run out.

Mayor Peter Flannery said Moreton Bay Region is still drought declared and underground bores beneath the North Pine River stopped running earlier this month.

“Seqwater has issued a warning for water shortages in Dayboro and surrounding areas, so residents need to order tank water if their supplies are low,” he said.

“Dayboro residents connected to the town’s supply have been asked by Unitywater to be mindful of their water use to help manage the current situation.

“Last year was an important reminder of how quickly water supplies evaporate if you’re not prepared and how quickly water carrying companies become overwhelmed by demand in a drought.

“Don’t’ make the same mistake again, while we’re all hoping the La Nina weather pattern brings a wet summer to ease dry conditions and lift this drought, we have to operate within reality.

“So plan now, because you need enough water on your property to not only provide for your family, but also have enough in reserve to fight bushfires if needed.

Cr Darren Grimwade (Div 11) said residents should book their water delivery with their preferred supplier as soon as possible to make sure they get your water without delays.

“Residents can also utilise the Unitywater Community water fill station at Warner,” he said.

“It is also important to be mindful of our water use and follow Unitywater’s helpful tips to save water during the drought.

“I’d like to thank Unitywater for the productive conversations we’ve had about the need for more user-pays refill sites in areas like Samford and Highvale.

“I’d also like to thank residents for continuing to practise social distancing while using the refill station.

“Remember, spring is the season to refill so you don’t get sprung in summer.”

 For tips on being waterwise visit the Unitywater website


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