Hazard Reduction Burn – Bellara

19 October 2021

Published 12 June 2019

Moreton Bay Regional Council will conduct a hazard reduction burn on Thursday 13 June at Verdoni Street Park, in Bellara weather permitting.

Residents in Bellara and surrounding areas may notice smoke during and after the burn.

Residents are advised to stay clear of the burn site during and in the days following the event.

Asthmatics and those sensitive to smoke are advised to stay indoors and keep their windows and doors closed.

Motorists in the area should drive to the conditions. Pets and livestock should be secured, if necessary.

A wildlife spotter will be on site before, during and after the burn to ensure the safety of all fauna.

Council hazard reduction burn crews work closely with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services to undertake planned burns to reduce fuel loads ahead of the fire season later in the year.

For more information about council’s planned burns program, visit: www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/plannedburns

To sign up to Council’s MoretonAlert head to: www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Services/Disaster-Management/Before-a-Disaster/MoretonAlert

Helpful resources are available from the Rural Fire Service website at www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au



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