Local SES hero lauded for 44 years of unwavering service

26 May 2021

Published 05 February 2021

After an astonishing 44 years of SES service, including almost a decade at the helm of Moreton Bay’s SES unit, Local Controller Henk van den Ende has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation in the Council Chambers as he enters retirement.

As Moreton Bay’s local SES controller Henk has steered Moreton Bay through dozens of disasters, helped repair hundreds of homes, facilitated thousands of volunteers, and helped people right across South East Queensland.

Mayor Peter Flannery described Henk as a modern-day superhero, providing locals with assistance in some of the darkest and most dangerous moments in their lives.

“Henk has answered the distress calls of every flood, storm, drought, search and disaster that’s hit our region in the last decade,” Mayor Flannery said.

“There’s no way we can properly thank or ever repay a man of that calibre for his unwavering service.

“Even through an unprecedented pandemic, we’ve relied on Henk and his award-winning unit to help not only Moreton Bay but also our neighbours.

“The training and induction programs, administrative processes and awards that Henk has introduced have raised the bar for disaster response in Moreton Bay and right across Queensland.

“Henk’s service and commitment to our region is so extraordinary that it won’t even end with his retirement, he’s agreed to continue volunteering for the SES and provide mentorship to the next generation of SES officers.

“On behalf of Council, I thank him sincerely for his service and wish him all the best for the future.”

Henk said he was humbled by Council’s recognition in the Chamber today, but he considers community service a privilege.

“My retirement isn’t a goodbye because I’m remaining an SES volunteer, I enjoy it too much to say goodbye,” he said.

“I remember we helped a woman up in Tully Heads after Cyclone Yasi who was so distraught and looked like she was at the end of her tether, the next day she was on the front page of the paper saying a guardian angel had rescued her — that’s what makes is worthwhile.

“You get an enormous amount of personal satisfaction from the SES: the mateship, the friendships, the challenges you face, the lessons you learn, and knowing you’ve helped someone.

“I also just love educating and helping others, sharing skills and knowledge, and acknowledging the volunteers that do a hell of a lot more than what’s expected of them.”


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