7 June 2021
Published 21 December 2020
Disposing of domestic waste at Council tips will remain free in Moreton Bay Region, despite the increase to the State Government’s waste levy charge.
It means all commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste fees will increase by $5 per tonne (from $75 to $80 per tonne) beginning on 1 January 2021
Mayor Peter Flannery said the increase to the State Government’s waste levy charge had been deferred by six months to assist businesses during COVID-19.
“This increase was due to come into effect from July 1 this year, but was delayed by the State Government for six months to help businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.
“Council will continue to support businesses and ratepayers struggling with the impacts of COVID-19, as we have done since the pandemic hit.
“To date we’ve introduced $34.2 million worth of stimulus designed to boost jobs and cashflow into the local economy, while alleviating the pressure on households by providing rates relief.
“This includes fast-tracking planning and construction of Council projects as well as maintenance works across the region.
“We’ve already made good on $3.5 million worth of rates rebates and interest won’t be charged on overdue rates and charges all the way up until March 2021.
“Council is working hard to deliver its new Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) to help steer our local economy through COVID-19 and onto greener pastures as we continue to recover.
“REDS will articulate a clear plan to diversify and develop our economy so that Moreton Bay Region can attract investment and growth opportunities for the next 20 years.
“The first initiative of the strategy was to implement the ASPIRE Circular Economy program last Council meeting (November 12).
“This is another environmentally-friendly waste initiative designed to allow B2B exchange of old goods that would normally end up in landfill.”
For more information on the State Government’s waste levy visit: https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/pollution/management/waste/recovery/disposal-levy/about